Women's Corner Initiative (WCI)

“…committed to empowering women and girls via sexual and reproductive health education, campaign and services.”
Branding → Web Design → Digital Experience

Women’s Corner Initiative (WCI) few years, through different name, vision, mission, and leaders, to become what it is today: an organization committed to empowering women and girls via sexual and reproductive health education, campaign and services.
WCI is the brainchild of Chioma Fedora Agbo (a medical doctor by training with a passion for for women and girls especially with regards to their sexual and reproductive health). 

Our work began with a logo ideation featuring women and girls standing in a power poses. Then UI/UX design for the web outlay and finally development and web and payment gateway integrations.

Everything Sound Proof

Curated digital experience for the number one blog on sound proofing and sound engineering.

Blogging  → Web Design 


UI, website and app development for the largest bank of resources for the Medical Primaries and MDCN exams.

UI → App Development → Web Development → CRM

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